not bad graphics
but the overall plot makes little sence. IF there was a better plaotline (longer too) you might have scored a little better.
not bad graphics
but the overall plot makes little sence. IF there was a better plaotline (longer too) you might have scored a little better.
Thanks for the reveiw - It was not meant to make any sense :-D
The begining looked good, but the show ended fast
I dont know what to say, lack of creativity, lack of any pluasable message, but ok flash work. You need a better storyline with INTERACTIVITY! At leasy a few buttons here and there, alternate endings et cetera. The audio quiality sounds good, Im not sure whether its from a film or not. Overall pretty pointless, not cheap laughs either. You could do alot better.
There's just one basic joke in the whole animation, which everything hinges on. So if you don't get it or think it's crap, that's OK.
The opening music is from an old Cinema advert, the end music is from a TV series, and all the voices are me acting silly in front of a USB mic.
Yeah this is really original
cartman says one line....and its an old tired one. NEEDS MORE ORIGNINALITY/PLOT. Other than that pretty good animation and tweening.
I never promised origninality now did I? ;-)
that was.....vicious! A chainsaw, and other foriegn objects + clay-animation, pretty nice.
how do you make this stuff?
for the last time!i use MAGIC!
Add some buttons
Not bad animation, its pretty slick in some spots. Pretty creative considering its sticks.
Im giving u points for the close ups, lol, funny as heck.
haha ya, the close up was supposed to look good, but was then used at a joke, seeing as i cant make faces worth shit, hehe
This is a sweetass flash people!
Pretty funny, good style, great animation..r u sure ur a newb to flash? huh?!!!
ANd this flash has GUNDAMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! and ragnarok online!!!!!!!
5/5 10/10 pal
Yeah, I've only done a few minor things in flash before this, and nothing was of this magnitude.
Danke for teh fives! ;0;
come on sponge
u can make so much of a better flash, ive seen some of ur other shit. nothing impressive on this one.
ya i know.. what can i say i didn't work hard and it's incredibly apparant, actually i did this at school so i didn't have much time either, but don't you worry money clocks is in the making and it's definitly my best work yet !!
A solid 5
I want more dammit! more action, I wanna see some mega/proto asskicken going on!
Other than that, ok done, I like how mega/proto looked in the beginning.
I look forward to #2
I wont let you down I promise
LOL, that was messed!
I dident expect his couch to talk to him, man that came out of nowhere, lmao. Your graphics arent too bad, but some parts are a bit too colorful. The barfing part was cool though.
Good job, i give you 9/10, 5/5.
Make a small part 2 so more people will watch the 1st one.
PS: If you can, when you publish the movie, click on file-publish settings- and change the quality to 60-70%(cuts down on file size)if u havent already done so.
PPS: I know you had one of my movies on ur favs, and It dident get blammed, or sent to the graveyard, i dont know wtf happened to it.
i was thinking of making another one...
i even started on it but i changed my mind and deleted it.and i never put the 60 -70 thing
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Age 38, Male
Joined on 11/12/02