Nice man, nice.
I agree with Naruto.
(To Ed) "You Suck!"
Yup, that sums up that anime. LOL, you did well with mixing the animes up, and with ripping the audio. Good job.
Nice man, nice.
I agree with Naruto.
(To Ed) "You Suck!"
Yup, that sums up that anime. LOL, you did well with mixing the animes up, and with ripping the audio. Good job.
All I got was a bunch of fluttering butterflies.
If thats all there was, nothing too surprising.
Csi, Nice!
I have no speakers, so I could'nt understand wtf was going on completely. I will watch this when I get home.
Style the claymations hair so it looks like the peeps from the show. That would be some funny shite. Make some more csi, go now.
yeah cool thanks actually im about to do part 2 soon it'll be funny i think.
Well put together
Good job on this flash. The story was predictable, and it almost seems like you wasted your talent on it. I look forward to seeing a new project from you. Perhaps something more violent?
You got to make a sequel to this flash, maybe with another movie. Too funny for words man; keep up the good work.
Good job amigo
It would have been all 10's if there were no sprites, but then that would take a lil too long to make :X
Speaking of sprites, hopefully the shortage will clear up soon enough with some new gba games that im sure are on their way out! :D
Funny, and well put together
A few suggestions though:
-Add a button beside each of the scenes in the main menu, clicking on text when your monitor is set on a high resolution is a pain.
-Try to improve the quality of the fatality audio, It is pretty crackely in some spots. Other than that, great job!
A great flash
Im surprised to see all the negative reviews...
If you have something bad to say about this flash, try making one on you're own to see how difficult and time consuming it is =]
This animation is free, no need to complain.
This flash was above average in every way from audio quality, to effects. It was dramatically funny also, good job, and the idea od a sequel is not a bad one :D.
Nice job on the start button effects, that was a cool idea. The series looks promising, just add more humour, and less gay jokes.
Well well, hi, thanks for checking me out ;). If ur a dude, disregard that last statement. I make Sig pics p/t, Wheels and I. visit our site:
Age 38, Male
Joined on 11/12/02