Very nice flash
My favorite part? THE MAGNIFICENT 7 THEME! you know, when the horse appears! oh yeah the M7 kick!
Very nice flash
My favorite part? THE MAGNIFICENT 7 THEME! you know, when the horse appears! oh yeah the M7 kick!
Did I hear some Gundam Wing in this flash?
Pretty nice flash, generic bad guys vs good guys plotline. Good work.
not bad graphics
but the overall plot makes little sence. IF there was a better plaotline (longer too) you might have scored a little better.
Thanks for the reveiw - It was not meant to make any sense :-D
I dont know, pretty bad
every other word is misspelled. The plot is pretty generic. The srites are on a layer that is black, so they are outlined by black. Dont give up just try harder.
The begining looked good, but the show ended fast
I dont know what to say, lack of creativity, lack of any pluasable message, but ok flash work. You need a better storyline with INTERACTIVITY! At leasy a few buttons here and there, alternate endings et cetera. The audio quiality sounds good, Im not sure whether its from a film or not. Overall pretty pointless, not cheap laughs either. You could do alot better.
There's just one basic joke in the whole animation, which everything hinges on. So if you don't get it or think it's crap, that's OK.
The opening music is from an old Cinema advert, the end music is from a TV series, and all the voices are me acting silly in front of a USB mic.
Yeah this is really original
cartman says one line....and its an old tired one. NEEDS MORE ORIGNINALITY/PLOT. Other than that pretty good animation and tweening.
I never promised origninality now did I? ;-)
Virtually flawless
i really like this one (but its not as good as the one ring to rule them all pt.2).
PS: Zelda is Links sis so I dont think she would have a crush on him, or if she did that its not normal.
Take it easy and make more flash!
that was.....vicious! A chainsaw, and other foriegn objects + clay-animation, pretty nice.
how do you make this stuff?
for the last time!i use MAGIC!
Couldve been alot better if...
The frame speed was faster. Everything was too slow. Other than that, good compression, and nicely animated. I wonder what you can do in 1000K?
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Joined on 11/12/02